
We, Laura Marsh and Kory Northrop, are embarking on a tour of restaurants and food carts on our quest to find the most perfect nachos in the Pacific Northwest. Using research methods worthy of a 9th grade AP biology class, we will report our findings using a grading rubric created by our operations analysis team (aka the notes app on Laura’s iPhone). Chip by chip, we will discover the best effing nachos in all the land1.

If you are looking for comprehensive reviews to find the best Oregon nachos, you’ve come to the right place.


The best Oregon nacho reviewers

Nacho Man Kory Savage

From the Land of Lincoln, Kory’s demeanor and moral compass are modeled after those of our 16th president. Kory never made it far in a spelling bee, nor did he win any soap box derbies. What he did do was make a lot of after school snacks and 70% of the time they were always nachos. He firmly believes that “all men (and women) are created equal,” but does not think that same credo applies to nachos. Therefore, he will doggedly devour plate after plate of nachos to determine which are truly by the people and for the people. Some call him an unsung hero, but he’s no hero, he just really likes nachos.

Laura “Nacho-pacabra”

A true Kansas girl at heart (minus the bigotry/lack of rights/republicans), Laura has been a nacho enthusiast ever since she could reach the Tostados on the top of the fridge. Raised in a house where ranch dressing on iceberg lettuce with bacon bits was a legit salad, she transplanted to Eugene and discovered a wide variety of vegetables she doesn’t want to eat. Sarcastic, bossy and a self-pronounced Tier One heckler, if it weren’t for the charm of her southern mother (who she impersonates daily) and her one-eyed dog Bruce, she would be mostly unlikable.


  • We both have masters of science degrees (i.e. that makes us both scientists)
  • We love nachos
  • We once lived together in a vegetarian co-op
  • Something about the 99%



1 “land” is limited mostly to Eugene, OR